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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta elections. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

The art of not entering into debate

"Democracy is fragile" (Biden). Don't let it escape like water between your fingers.

Yesterday, in the debate of the 4M elections for the Madrid Assembly, organized by the radio station La Ser, the fragility of democracy in Spain at this time was revealed.


The VOX candidate, the ultra-conservative party of the right, Ms. Rocío Monasterio, arrived with a whip on her tongue, to lash out at the other participants. She first she dumped her bile on Mr. ex-vice president Iglesias. In the name of a nice anti-democratic gesture she yelled at him to leave the debate, when he asked attendees to make an explicit "no to violence" statement about the recent attacks against him and his family.


During the first part of the debate, Mrs. Monasterio was dedicated to interrupting on multiple occasions, in a rude way, the other participants, showing her great antidemocratic and authoritarian disposition.


The moderator tried to channel the debate towards one with proposals, but her radio station did not show the clock to tell the time. Which was a great democratic failure, since the times were not distributed equitably. Totally incorrect practice in any electoral debate in Spain.


The candidate of the center party, Edmundo Bal, focused on the presentation of his proposals, but was constantly interrupted by the outbursts of Mr. Monasterio, plus the opportune interruptions of the candidate of the Socialist party, who did not agree to No way, that Mr. Bal achieved his goal of getting to the point.



Gabilondo tried to turn the electoral debate into a chat between friends, first. Later, since he was unable to make proposals, he began to criticize those of Mr. Bal, reminding him that in Madrid the budgets for this year had not been approved. Although he knew perfectly well, from the press, that the same day that these budgets were to be approved at 5pm, the president of the Community of Madrid, Mrs. Ayuso, closed the Assembly alleging a fear of an alleged motion of censure that could, supposedly, present her government partner, Ciudadanos.



Mrs. Ayuso, a candidate for the right-wing conservative party, PP, had refused to attend this debate. She is reluctant to this democratic practice. She is foul-mouthed, lacking in empathy with an authoritarian and totalitarian character, and little given to presenting data or proposals, in addition to being used to do what she feels like.


Later, Mr. Gabilondo called Citizens' contribution to the Madrid government “failed government”, to what is internationally considered “the miracle of Madrid”, but since he did not know how to explain why, the presenter left in suspense the turn of word from Mr. Bal, to make a convenient pause. Probably, by orders of her channel, due to the fact that the interventions of the candidate to favor, Mr. Gabilondo, did not favor him but rather the candidate of Ciudadanos, a party victim of takeovers on the right and left.


Behind the cameras, Mr. Gabilondo and Dr. Mónica García, from Más Madrid, reached an agreement not to continue the debate. Surely, they had weighed that success was being taken by Mr. Bal, which was not convenient for the left-wing bloc, since neither the two of them, nor Ms. Monasterio had managed to take him out of his boxes.


So, without listening to Mr. Bal's pleas in favor of speech and debate as a democratic instrument, the candidates on the left announced their abandonment of the debate. They managed to get the presenter to suspend it, preventing Mr. Bal from taking up his turn to speak.


Complete debate here:

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Laila candidata Laylaa candidate


COMPÁRTELO, POR FAVOR: Acabo de crear este avatar para representar a una candidata de Arabia Saudí. El mensaje dice: “Mujer de Arabia Saudí, ahora puedes ser una candidata en estas elecciones, pero no se te permite usar tu propia imagen, ni conducir para hacer campaña. Por favor, usa este avatar para representarte. Vives en una sociedad donde los perros tienen más derechos que las mujeres. La perrita Laila te representará.”

PLEASE SHARE: I just made this Voki to represent a South Arabian woman candidate. The message says: "South Arabian woman now you can be a candidate in these elections, but you are not allowed to use your image, neither drive to campaign. Please use this avatar to represent yourself. You live in a society where dogs have more rights than women. Laila dog will represent you."

S'IL VOUS PLAÎT Partager: Je viens de créer ce avatar de représenter une femme candidate Arabie du Sud. Le message dit:
«Femme d'Arabie du Sud, maintenant vous pouvez être candidat à cette élection, mais vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser votre image, ni conduire à faire campagne. S'il vous plaît utiliser ce avatar pour vous représenter. Vous vivez dans une société où les chiens ont plus de droits que les femmes. Laila chien va vous représenter. "

Por favor, compartilhe: Acabo criou este avatar para representar um candidato mulher do sul da Arábia. A mensagem diz:
"Mulher do sul da Arábia agora você pode ser um candidato nesta eleição, mas você não tem permissão para usar sua imagem, e não dirigir para fazer campanha. Por favor, use este avatar para representar a si mesmo. Você vive em uma sociedade onde os cães têm mais direitos do que as mulheres. Laila cão irá representá-lo. "

yrja hissat : 'ana khalaqt faqat hdha alrramziat litamthil murashshahat janub alearabi. alrrisalat taqul :
" almar'at alearabiat aljanubiat alan yumkinuk 'an takun murashshahaan fi hadhih alaintikhabat , walikan la yasmah lak aistikhdam alssuar alkhassat bik , la tadfae lilqiam bihamlat alrraja' aistikhdam hadhih alrramziat litamthil nafsak . hal naeish fi mujtamae hayth tatamattae alkilab huquq 'akthar min alnnisa' . laylaa alkalb sayumaththil lk. "

Laila Avatar link